Monday, March 16, 2009

Saint Paticks Day.

I was never a big fan of Paddys day. It's just an excuse to become mindlessly inebriated,more so than usual. Also I only went to a parade once in my life,as a child. I don't like crowds,it makes me feel claustrophobic.Moreover there's alot of shitty little chav teenagers around who are rude,loud and obnoxious.
Well that's all for today. I'll probably spend St Paddys day by going for a walk,it should be quite outside the city centre, and do lot's of other solitary things.Bliss!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Trees,solitude and dreams.

I love weird dreams. Sometimes it's hard to know where reality ends and where dreams begin.

Also,are not trees funny? Not funny ha ha but funny as if WTF!?I mean the just stand there alone providing oxygen. It's a good analogy for a schizoid or an avoidant. Is'nt that lovely picture of a tree? That person reading the book looks really happy.I wonder what sort of book it is.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sushi and Resident Evil 5

So,does anyone love sushi? I do. In fact I love all weird manner of fish which most people would turn their noses at. Sushi,prawns,shrimp,crap,you name it.I also eat alot of rice and ramen with hot chilli sauce and teriyaki sauce. Seriously, Japanese food is so much healthier than western It was so funny. I had to go into Burger King to get some food for someone and while everyone else was eating there cheese burgers I was nibbling away at my Sushi. It was a pretty surreal sight.

I also got Resident Evil 5 for the 360. I only played an hour of it but it seems good although looking after your other character in single player mode is a bit stressful but I'm sure it's fine in co-op mode. Anyway, the graphics are fantastic and the story is gripping me already.

BTW,sorry for not updating this for so long or not being on IM much,I've been pretty busy.

Well that's it I suppose.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I lost my pasword!

Crap! Just when things are starting to go my way I lose my password for my google account. I never use it bar blogging and....meh. Net result a new web address. Which means I have to get people to follow me from scratch.Sigh.